Do You Want To Be Well?
Please understand we do NOT have a Health Care System, we have a Medical System that is designed to make us sick and become their customer for life. Big Pharma is interested in one thing – making more money. Their philosophy is “a patient cured is a customer lost”.
Someone may think we have an excellent healthcare system because people are living so much longer than in the past. But the reason we have longer life expectancy is due to improved sanitation and better trauma care not because of helping us to live healthier lives.
Go back to the late 1800s John D Rockefeller became very rich through extracting oil and came across the idea of using coal tar – a petroleum derivative – to make substances that affect the human mind, body and nervous system. These drugs are excellent at masking or stopping symptoms but do not cure the underlying cause of a disease.
In the early 1900s the Rockefellers in conjunction with the Carnegie Foundation took over the American medical system. They said “We’re getting rid of all kinds of nutritionists. We’re going to patent products. And we are going to be in control of people’s health. We’re actually going to destroy people’s health and make a fortune and take over the assets on this planet while we do it”. – Rockefeller Medicine the death of wellness.