It is wonderful to have a home where you can raise your family in an atmosphere of love and peace.
It is important to know how to avoid toxins in your food, water and environment so you can live a healthy lifestyle.
But if we have forgotten God we can no longer expect to enjoy the freedoms our Founding Fathers (men and women) fought and died for.
America became the strongest most prosperous nation the world has ever seen - because from our very inception America was dedicated to serving God. That is not to gloss over our faults but from our founding people tried to follow God's Commandments.
Sadly we have become a nation that has rejected God. We've told God we don't need you and in so doing we have lost His Blessings and His Protection. That is why we are experiencing economic problems, crime and turmoil which will only increase in the days ahead.
9/11 should have been a wake-up call to turn back to God. 9/12 should have been a day of repentance. It should have been a day to start praying and working to Restore America to its Christian and Moral Foundation. Instead we went back to our normal way of life.
Start with the following prayer:
Prayer to Restore America … to its Christian and Moral Foundation Voice of the Spirit
Lord God we come to you today to re-dedicate our lives to you. We come here today to acknowledge our sins before you – our failure to be the salt and light of our families, our communities, our nation. We come to you today to repent of our sins, to ask your forgiveness for our many failures. We come to you today in humility, in sorrow, in tears.
We see O Lord our families and our nation headed for destruction and we beg of you O Lord to intervene – to forgive and restore us. We know we do not deserve your mercy but we deserve all the punishment and calamity that we are facing. But we trust in you O Lord to hear our prayers and to change us – to fill us with Your Holy Spirit that we will have the wisdom, the courage and the strength to do your will, to restore our families and our nation to its Christian and moral foundation – to one nation under God.
Lord God we come to you today realizing this battle is not against flesh and blood but against Satan – the principalities and powers of darkness. We realize this battle will be difficult – it will require our prayers, our tears, our toil, our fortunes and in some cases our blood. You know Lord God we do not have the resources to fight and win this battle on our own. We each have jobs to do, families to support, bills to pay. But you tell us to “seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all things will be provided for you”.
So today Lord we come to you acknowledging our sins, our failures, our weaknesses, our fears. But we also come with a renewed sense of hope and joy knowing you have not abandoned us but you have awakened us and called us back to you. We have this hope and this joy knowing you will lead us and guide us and provide us everything we need to do your will – to win this battle.
We will see a new America filled with holy families following your laws, your commandments, praising and thanking you. And we will be faithful to teach our children and our children’s children of your great love and mercy. So today Lord we dedicate “our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor” to you. In Jesus’ name we pray! Amen and Amen!