Our Healthy Homes & Schools division can help you avoid the health problems from the Radiation from Cell Phones, Cell Towers, Smart Meters, Wireless Devices, Dirty Electricity and much more. You should know a “SMART METER” can devastate your health – it devastated mine. And now Ameren has a plan to install a “SMART METER” on your home.
When a “SMART METER” was installed on my home and nearby neighbors I started having headaches 24/7, muscle spasms, fatigue so bad I could not work. I couldn’t even sleep. I had to move to get away from the Radiation. Through this painful experience I started learning about the hazards of Radiation and how to reduce my risk of developing health problems – and now can help others avoid the pain I experienced. Here is some of the info I have learned:
Natural Radiation has always been with us and if it was water, it would cover the earth to the depth of a piece of paper. However Man-Made Radiation which has been with us about 30 years would cover the earth to a depth 100 light years past the sun. And it’s going get a lot more intense as 5G is implemented.
This Man-Made Radiation has been linked to many forms of cancer, heart problems and much more. An estimated “35% of our population have health problems as a result of Radiation exposure” – Dr Devra Havas. Sadly very few doctors understand the link so when someone gets cancer or other health problems, all these doctors can do is prescribe surgery and chemo which help reduce the symptoms but never eliminate the cause so the cancer returns.
Doctors and Scientists who have done extensive research on the health problems of Radiation are predicting a “Tsunami of Brain Tumors” in the next few years based on the increased use of cell phones, wireless devices and more. – Martin Blank, PhD and Reba Goodman, PhD.
Our children are most at risk since their skulls are not fully developed and the Radiation penetrates further causing more problems.
Children’s health specialists are concerned that higher exposures to unprecedented levels of microwave radiation pose risks of permanent damage to vision, hearing and brain development, and cancer. – EHTrust.org
A 2009 study showed after 10 years of cell phone usage there was a 90% increase in Giloma (tumors on the side of the head where cell phone was held), a 60% increase in Acoustic Neuroma (tumors affecting hearing) and a 320% increase in Uveal Melanoma (tumors affecting the eyes). They found a 420% increase in those who were under 20 when they first started using cell phones. – 2009 study by Lennart Hardell and Michael Carlberg.
“Major telecom companies know the Radiation they force on the public is dangerous. They have known it for decades but they still do all they can to hide the truth from the public.” – Mona Nilsson, managing director of the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation
“The rapid increase in electromagnetic sensitivity, brain and breast tumors, fertility problems, autism, ADHD and more have been correlated to wireless Radiation” – WeAreTheEvidence.org
A two hour “Healthy Home Evaluation” can show you how to use your electronic devices in a safer manner and help you reduce the risk of pain, suffering and death of your loved ones. Contact us to schedule your evaluation.